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Ghana | Xenophobia | Crime
Ghanian claims they burn Nigerians alive in his area — is xenophobia on the rise due to the upcoming elections?
Reading the morning news I come across a story in the comments are the criminals
Sunday, 29 January 2023
By: TB Obwoge
Several men were arrested for a robbery & murder in Ghana, the names didn’t sound familiar. The first comment was about Nigerians, reading further into the comment section was like a rabbit hole. Ghanians came to make the most vile comments about Nigeria and Nigerians.

I tried to ask the posters if they understood how their comments were xenophobic and hateful. One young man decided he wanted to then insult me and my country. Though he couldn’t know my country without asking but he assumed. (I use a photo of the interim president of Burkina Faso as my profile photo)
Everyone who’s photo I used (for this article and others) I offered them my contact information as well as informed them that they’re comments would be made public with their Facebook information.
Two people said that they would be suing me, since they said they wanted to sue, I offered them my business card. They all declined only…